First Country to Tax Cow “Emissions”

New Zealand has proposed taxing the greenhouse gasses that farm animals produce from burping, farting, and urinating in a bid to tackle climate change.

The world-first scheme will see farmers paying for agricultural emissions in some form by 2025.

The country’s farming industry accounts for about half of its emissions. New Zealand has about 5 million people but roughly 10 million beef and dairy cattle and 26 million sheep. And the nation is relatively unique in that farming is blamed for about half of the nation’s carbon emissions.

“Farmers will be selling their farms so fast you won’t even hear the dogs barking on the back of the ute (pick-up truck) as they drive off.”

Federated Farmers spox

But farmers have been quick to criticise the plan, with one lobby group saying it would “rip the guts out of small-town New Zealand”.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (WEF favorite and complete nut job~ Kelly) said money raised from the proposed levy will be pumped back into the industry to finance new technologies, research and incentive payments for farmers.

“New Zealand’s farmers are set to be the first in the world to reduce agricultural emissions, positioning our biggest export market for the competitive advantage that brings in a world increasingly discerning about the provenance of their food,” she told reporters while announcing the proposals from a farm in Wairarapa.

The pricing has not yet been decided on, but the government says that farmers should be able to make up the cost of the levy by charging more for climate-friendly produce.

However, across the world, electricity, transportation, and manufacturing are the highest emission-emitting industries.

According to NPR, Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor said it was an exciting opportunity for New Zealand and its farmers.

“Farmers are already experiencing the impact of climate change with more regular drought and flooding,” O’Connor said. “Taking the lead on agricultural emissions is both good for the environment and our economy.”

Farmers, on the other hand, are condemning the government’s plan. The greenhouse gas reduction plan released today will cut sheep and beef production in New Zealand by 20 percent and dairy farming by 5 percent.

“Federated Farmers is deeply unimpressed with the government’s take on the He Waka Eke Noa proposal and is concerned for our members’ futures,” Federated Farmers national president and climate change spokesperson Andrew Hoggard said, according to New Zealand’s FedsNews. “We didn’t sign up for this. It’s gut-wrenching to think we now have this proposal from government which rips the heart out of the work we did. Out of the families who farm this land.

The plan is billed as a world-first, and the consultation document could be signed by New Zealand’s Cabinet early next year. In a similar play, California reduced methane produced by dairy farms. However, California reduced their emissions through incentives — not taxes.